Do this...
1. Bookmark your new People String Site page. Write down your username and password. (it's amazing how many people forget to do this)
2. Go to THE TRAINING SITE and BOOKMARK THIS SITE. Learn how to use this training site. Check this site on a regualr basis for updates and the online semiar (webinar) calendar for upcoming training presentations. These webinars are very important.
3. Teach others to use this site and make them understand the monthly and yearly income potential.
Expect this...
1. After filling out the survey, it should take 2-3 weeks for residents of North America to receive their activation code in the mail.
2. It should also take 30-90 days to start receiving advertising in their home mailbox (2-5 per day) which will earn them $0.30 to $3.00 per item.
3. Money earned will be paid by cheque or via PayPal on a monthly basis for free members. Expect 2-3 months before you see your first monthly payment.
4. You can get paid every 2 weeks by upgrading to entrepreneur and earn 20% from those in your level 1 and 6% from level 2 through 6. Free members get 5% for direct recruits and 2% for levels 2 through 6
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