How Much Do I Make?

What revenue do I share in?

All revenue from memberships, ads, search and paid placements is distributed to our members.

Free members earn 5% of their direct referrals earnings and 2% of all earnings on levels 2 through 6. Entrepreneur members earn 20% of their direct referrals earnings and 6% of all earnings on levels 2 through 6.

Monthly Earnings Potential- SCENARIO DAVE

* You put in a good effort and enroll 100 friends for free and get your string going on its own momentum.
* Everyone is generating just $10 per month from their personal activities on-line from advertisements (conservative estimate).
* On average, each person enrolls just two new people.

Dave refers 100 friends generating $10 in revenue a month for People String Corp
(level 1) Dave is earning $50 dollars a month at 5% of $1000

Dave's 100 friends enroll 2 of their own friends that generate $10 in revenue a month for People String Corp. (Now Dave has 200 friends total)
(level 2) Dave is earning $40 dollars a month at 2% of $2000

Dave's 200 friends enroll 2 of their own friends generating $10 in revenue a month
(level 3) Dave is earning $80 dollars a month at 2% of $4000

By level 6 Dave has over 3,200 friends in his string generating him $1,290 dollars a month, (from just enrolling 100 friends direct)

Think of what would happen if he added 100 new people every month!

Of course, it wouldn't work out exactly like that in real life.

Some would just use the site like they use Facebook now.
Some would tell a few friends and make an extra $100 a month
Others would recruit many, many more people and contribute to YOUR monthly income.

But at least it gives you an idea...

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