Is PeopleString the Next Big Thing After Facebbok?

This new social media site was launched on September 23, 2009. They are making a bold attempt to compete with giants like Facebook by paying anyone and everyone to recruit members and grow its ranks.

People String is also working with companies who want to bypass the advertising giants and pay people directly for looking at their products/services. Quite a novel approach! The more people participate, the more companies will see this as a viable alternative to reaching their target audience.

It can potentially be quite lucrative, for those willing to recruit new members. They will earn a comission for every person they recruit, get paid per item of advertising they look at, thus getting a percentage of revenues from everyone they recruit for life! For those not interested in recruiting others, the remaining income streams may be more to their liking and more are to be added over time.

Those who are interested can click HERE if they wish to take this company up on their offer.

This is free now, free tomorrow and free forever for all who join and make money with them.

What to do is:
1. Join People String HERE
2. Socialize
3. Make Money

You can check out some FAQs on People String

So what happens after I sign up with People String???

What do I do? What should I expect?
Do this...

1. Bookmark your new People String Site page. Write down your username and password. (it's amazing how many people forget to do this)

2. Go to THE TRAINING SITE and BOOKMARK THIS SITE. Learn how to use this training site. Check this site on a regualr basis for updates and the online semiar (webinar) calendar for upcoming training presentations. These webinars are very important.

3. Teach others to use this site and make them understand the monthly and yearly income potential.

Expect this...

1. After filling out the survey, it should take 2-3 weeks for residents of North America to receive their activation code in the mail.

2. It should also take 30-90 days to start receiving advertising in their home mailbox (2-5 per day) which will earn them $0.30 to $3.00 per item.

3. Money earned will be paid by cheque or via PayPal on a monthly basis for free members. Expect 2-3 months before you see your first monthly payment.

4. You can get paid every 2 weeks by upgrading to entrepreneur and earn 20% from those in your level 1 and 6% from level 2 through 6. Free members get 5% for direct recruits and 2% for levels 2 through 6

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How Much Do I Make?

What revenue do I share in?

All revenue from memberships, ads, search and paid placements is distributed to our members.

Free members earn 5% of their direct referrals earnings and 2% of all earnings on levels 2 through 6. Entrepreneur members earn 20% of their direct referrals earnings and 6% of all earnings on levels 2 through 6.

Monthly Earnings Potential- SCENARIO DAVE

* You put in a good effort and enroll 100 friends for free and get your string going on its own momentum.
* Everyone is generating just $10 per month from their personal activities on-line from advertisements (conservative estimate).
* On average, each person enrolls just two new people.

Dave refers 100 friends generating $10 in revenue a month for People String Corp
(level 1) Dave is earning $50 dollars a month at 5% of $1000

Dave's 100 friends enroll 2 of their own friends that generate $10 in revenue a month for People String Corp. (Now Dave has 200 friends total)
(level 2) Dave is earning $40 dollars a month at 2% of $2000

Dave's 200 friends enroll 2 of their own friends generating $10 in revenue a month
(level 3) Dave is earning $80 dollars a month at 2% of $4000

By level 6 Dave has over 3,200 friends in his string generating him $1,290 dollars a month, (from just enrolling 100 friends direct)

Think of what would happen if he added 100 new people every month!

Of course, it wouldn't work out exactly like that in real life.

Some would just use the site like they use Facebook now.
Some would tell a few friends and make an extra $100 a month
Others would recruit many, many more people and contribute to YOUR monthly income.

But at least it gives you an idea...

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How does People String Pay me?

Upon sign up you will be asked to enter your PayPal email address.(Don't worry if you have incorrectly entered your PayPal email address, People String will contact you before payments are sent out)

How much can I make with People String?

How does People String determine how much I get Paid each month?
Currently People String users most common way of making money is from referring friends or referring people, of which they are paid $0.50 cents per friend or referral. Once People String becomes a household name, many users expect their main source of income through People String to come from the percentage of revenue their referrals generate for them from using People String, as stated below.

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When do I get Paid?

Entrepreneur members get paid every 2 weeks and free members get paid once a month. The Minimum payment amount is $25.00. If you do not meet the $25.00 minimum distribution amount, your balance will carry over to your next pay period.

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Is People String a scam?

PeopleString ‘Where You Own the Web’. It is the new wave in relationship and social communities; it has the Creativity, Culture, Expressive Forums and places to meet new people and network; but now it combines all that with giving you a share in the revenues that are created by the users of the website.

The ‘other’ social sites keep all of the money for themselves and never give any to their users. They are making millions off of your actions and keeping it all. PeopleString shares the revenues that are generated by its members. This is unique for online social communities. Who other than PeopleString gives its members back 70% of the revenues?

People String is no scam, due to extensive research, and finding evidence of proof of payment from People String Corporation, People String should be once and for all cleared of any speculation regarding this matter. It is very rare that you find someone that dislikes People String, but there are many reasons as to why they would. It's simple, they haven't done their research, or because they are Skeptics.

I am currently enrolled in People String, and have found that there are many people in my line that don't take the time to investigate or research the companies policies and business practices. Every now and then I get someone asking me why haven't they received payment, and I have to be the one to tell them they won't get paid until they earn $25 dollars in revenue, which People String states many times on it's website. You can see now how easily it is for false accusations or speculations to come out regarding this matter.

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What is People String?

PeopleString ‘Where You Own the Web’. It is the new wave in relationship and social communities; it has the Creativity, Culture, Expressive Forums and places to meet new people and network; but now it combines all that with giving you a share in the revenues that are created by the users of the website.

The ‘other’ social sites keep all of the money for themselves and never give any to their users. They are making millions off of your actions and keeping it all. PeopleString shares the revenues that are generated by its members. This is unique for online social communities. Who other than PeopleString gives its members back 70% of the revenues?

Is People String a scam?

Before we get into whether or not People String is a scam, I want people to get a clear description of People String Corp. operations and goals as a social media giant, comparatively to FaceBook and MySpace. As a newcomer to the social media scene, People String has already established a good name for itself, and has proven it could be just as big as Facebook and MySpace.........becoming the fastest growing social media company in internet history.

The companies business model openly and happily states that they are proud to share 70% of advertisement revenue with it's users, becoming the first social media company to do this. When members click on ads, receive e-mails, direct mail, play games, shop online through People String, etc. 70% of that revenue is distributed amongst users. In other words you get paid for doing what you do on FaceBook. read more

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